hello, world!
tuesday, january 28th 2025, 9:42am MST
this is my first e-journal/weblog entry! i'm having a lot of
fun building my website
i was taught basic HTML years ago in highs-school, but i
feel like i'm understanding it a lot easier now than i did
back then. i enjoy the idea of leaving a part of me online,
so i can live forever. my thoughts and feelings and identity
hopefully long outlasting my physical body. it doesn't
really matter if nobody reads this or visits my site. it's
MY website just for me
i watched a really cool movie with my friend Bugs earlier!
Battleship Potemkin
(1925). it is a Soviet-era silent film about a mutiny aboard
the titular Potemkin battleship. this was my first time
watching a silent film in it's entirety. it was a really
cool experience! this was a beautifully shot film; in
particular many shots of the city of Odesa, Ukraine were
marvelous. i might start watching more silent films